Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Next Youtube Sensation?

Yuta and I have been on pretty opposite shifts lately, and that has left me with a lot of free time.  So what's a girl to do?  Go to the gym? Pfft, no.  Do some Japanese homework?  Eventually....Watch videos on Youtube?  DING DING DING! We have a winner!  Youtube has become my new anti-boredom gig and I have been doing a lot of thinking.  I really want to make my own Youtube channel when I go to England and vlog about all my adventures, just like my current idol Micaela Braithwaite.

Micaela is a Canadian who went to school for 2 years in Japan and since she arrived, she has been vlogging about her adventures, mishaps, and local culture differences/things that others find interesting.  When she finished her schooling, she can now speak fluent Japanese and the school has given her a visa to continue to live and work there.  She has been in very high demand lately with her latest series, "Made In Canada" comissioned by the Canadian Tourism Board.  Micaela gets to travel across Canada from Vancouver to Toronto on the Via Rail and she has been updating the series regularly.  They are short videos, usually no more than 10 minutes per vid, give or take 5 minutes.  She always has so many interesting things to say, and the way she shoots her videos MAKES you want to watch!  Her topics for her viedos are so fun like different types of sho-chu (alcohol), or what she bought in the fashion district of Harajuku that day for an upcoming trip! She is currently employed with Nestle Japan, so in all the beginnings of her newest Japanese videos, you'll see her making a cappucino or a coffee.  When I grow up, I want to be just like her (minus the coffee!). Haha!

Another video channel I have begun frequenting is a girl called Rachael and her husband Jun.  Her name on Youtube is Myhusbandisjapanese.  She is an adorable little redhead who is married to a Japanese man, just like I will be one day!  She makes a lot of informative videos about what to do/not to do, manners and etiquette, what to wear/pack, and how to do a lot of things.  I just watched a video she and her husband did on some slang words from Japan, and I learned a new word for impossible!  Her videos I find are very basic, but so informative.  There are no special effects but just straight honest truth, with some quirkiness thrown in with her absolutely adorable personality!

These wonderful women have inspired me to do something adventurous too, when I go to England.  Over the next few months, I will be pondering channel/Youtube account names, as I want to do this in Japan too!  And anywhere else I may end up!  I want to share my experiences with all my friends and family, and the world as well!  Any suggestions would be welcome!

Here are the links to Micaela and Rachael's accounts!

Micaela -->

Rachael -->

I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do!

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